To disappoint, to surprise and to blow my last chance…..

imageSeems like I’m upsetting a lot of people nowadays.  I receive so many (so many) emails from people telling me that ‘frankly they’re surprised’, or that they are disappointed; then there are those who threaten to leave with a melodramatic ‘that’s it, I’m leaving…’ plonked in my inbox.  And it doesn’t end there, there are those who implore that I help them…..’I really need your help, Joanna’ shows up to tempt me into exploring what it is that has led to such a request.

Sometimes the pleading, cajoling, chastising and ultimatums actually do glean a response from me…but I admit that more often than not, they don’t…I don’t.  It’s a shame because I know from my own experience of being at the beginning of the funnel building process, that this is pretty standard and even those that have applied the rules of ‘writing copy that sells’ fall into the filter that my cynicism has created.  It’s a useful process to reflect upon being the recipient of what I could potentially create myself…..and has exposed me to consider what I do not want to convey of myself or my business.  I’m also aware that I am the real culprit in this.  Happy to sign up for the freebie that led to the emails in the first place and now here I am blogging away about it!

It’s not intentional….and I do know that what is most likely on offer is of interest to me…I don’t just sign up for anything.  It’s more that stubborn child in me that will only go for something if it appeals and I choose to venture there.  Catch me in a particular mode and the slightest whiff that I am being pushed into a corner, brings that child to the surface and I stubbornly scroll on by.  That and the lack of time I have to trawl through chunky propositions before reaching the part that tells me whether I’m actually interested.  With this in mind, it would probably work better if the message in the subject box was much more direct….something like:  ‘50% off that programme you need! Joanna’ or ‘read on for the book that will change your life’.   In fact, scratch that….I think that one of the irritants is the level of familiarity.  Referring to me by name, as though we are friends…when in reality, it is only because I signed up for something that my first name is even in the equation!

I don’t mean to be harsh….

In reality, this resistant mindset was initiated more than two decades ago.  Even though I have a sound degree in Advertising, Media and Marketing, I chose not to pursue a career in that field.  I was left feeling that there was something disingenuous between me and the professional arena that I couldn’t seem to navigate or consolidate.  However, I kind-of-always-knew that I’d revisit this area of knowledge and I also always knew that this wouldn’t happen until I found my voice.  I guess that time has come and what better place to express it than via my own blog…?

Anyway….back to the subject.  There’s no doubt that automation is incredibly useful and of course creating a message that reaches the masses yet maintains the required intimacy is no mean feat….hence the option to apply AB testing.  Hmmmm…..almost instantaneous with the thought about  any type of ‘testing’ is that feeling in my gut….the one that led me to write this blog.  Yet to function in our  ever evolving technoworld, I need to engage with this.  Work to do without a doubt.

2 thoughts on “To disappoint, to surprise and to blow my last chance…..

    1. Ah! Now that’s interesting. I don’t have one….well I do….but it involves not reaching people in the same way that a working pipeline would…not taking the risk of being the person I am trying not to convey here….and I suppose, not utilising the fullness of the available technology. It IS a choice, as a opposed to a like-for-like alternative 🙂

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